Nowadays, technological development is changing rapidly, and people's lives are becoming richer and richer, with various technological products applied to life scenarios, such as the internet of things, smart homes, etc. 21:53:012023-12-26 21:54:48Decentralized Power on the Rise: The Reliability and Economic Advantages of Distributed Energy.
Future power systems will contain an increasing penetration of non-synchronous distributed energy resources. In this regard, reliable ancillary services provision, as currently ensured by conventional generators... 22:05:042023-12-13 22:08:04Powering the Future: Virtual Power Plants and the Shift from Centralized to Decentralized Grids.
The European Council recently passed new regulations, mandating that from 2035 onward, new vehicles must achieve zero carbon emissions, and the sale of traditional gasoline and diesel vehicles will be prohibited. 22:00:342023-12-04 22:00:34Traditional automobile manufacturers are entering a Kodak moment.
Smart mobility is the use of technology to improve the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of transportation systems. As the world becomes more urbanized and the number of vehicles on the road increases... 21:32:302023-11-27 21:32:54Accessibility and Sustainability: The Essence of Smart Mobility.