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From Ownership to Access: The Socio-Technical Shift in Smart Mobility.

Climate change mitigation requires transformative changes in cities. Rapid urban population growth, traffic congestion, and related air pollution, as well as aging infrastructure and energy usage...

Strategies for Automakers: Adapting to Changing Consumer Demands in the Mobility Age.

For over a century, the automotive industry has been product-oriented, dominated by a relatively small number of automakers manufacturing vehicles and selling them to consumers through a network of dealerships.

Driving Forward: The rise of mobility services and Changing auto industry dynamics.

For many decades, the automotive industry has been highly concentrated, where the incumbents held a stable position. There has never been a real threat of substitutes because no other way of mobility allowed...

Pricing Predicament: Why Electric Vehicles Face Resistance in Europe.

The European automotive manufacturing industry is currently facing a significant challenge as many Europeans cannot afford the prices of electric vehicles.