Throughout the driving course, the vital thing is for the driver to obtain information about the changing position of other vehicles on the road.

Good driving visibility is essential for road safety. Many traffic accidents are caused by drivers of larger vehicles who are not aware that other road users are very close to or beside their own vehicles in blind spots. A blind spot in a vehicle is the area around the vehicle that cannot be directly observed by the driver while driving, such as heavy vehicle drivers cannot see certain areas on the roadway in their front, behind the vehicle, and on either side of the vehicle.

A large enough blind spot in the rear or sides of a heavy vehicle can completely hide a pedestrian, a small motorcycle, or even a full vehicle. Because, blind spots hide them before making such maneuvers on roads while turning, reversing, changing lanes, or overtaking other vehicles. This places the driver in a risky situation resulting sometimes in untoward incidents and accidents.

The visibility does not only depend on the individual driver’s vision condition but also on the design of the driver’s seat and the rear-view mirror. These designs are directly related to the area of the blind spot in front and on the sides of the vehicle. The driver’s forward visibility or front-end blind spots are influenced by many design criteria such as vehicle body structure, human anthropometric data, road geometry, etc.

In the driver’s seat design as well, the reduction of blind spots has to be considered. Among the main factors to be considered for the driver’s seat design such as the height of the seat from the platform, total seat height, distance from the seat backrest to windscreen glass, and distance from the seat backrest to the steering wheel center; to reduce the blind spots, the distance between seat backrest and windscreen glass has attracted major importance.

“According to the world health organization report, in 2020, 1.35 million people died, and another 50 million people were injured in road accidents across the globe. In other words, every 21 s, someone dies in road accidents across the globe, which ranks road accidents as the 8th leading cause of death worldwide.

In 2020, only in Germany, around 157,912 people were seriously injured in road-related accidents involving passenger vehicles, accounting for 49% of the total serious injuries across all road-related accident categories. Passenger vehicles are one of the main accident perpetrators, accounting for 62% of the total accidents in Germany, while 4% of car accidents happen during the overtaking maneuver. Many national and international agencies are working to reduce road accident fatalities.”

More than 457,000 accidents occur every year in the United States as a result of failing to detect any vehicle in the hazard zone or blind spot area, proving it as the main cause of vehicle and pedestrian occurred.

This shows that the demand for safety equipment such as a blind spot detector on a vehicle is at a crucial state. Such as a vehicle blind spot system is an example that assists the driver in detecting the presence of a vehicle in the designated blind spot area.