The factors associated with road crashes are studied over decades and driver behavior is concluded to be the major contributory factor.

  • Human factors are the most avoidable factors for road accidents since drivers are highly and solely responsible for their own driving behavior.

Driving behavior is related to the driving habits of a human when operating his vehicle. A person’s driving style is generally carried out consciously. It is very likely also influenced by the current situation, such as weather conditions, road traffic, physical and psychological conditions of the driver, vehicle conditions, and various other factors.

An accident may be caused due to combination of several reasons. Elements responsible for traffic accidents may be road users, defective vehicles, and road conditions. a road user could be a driver, pedestrian, or passenger. Most road users are aware of the general rules and safety measures, but negligence and carelessness on the part of road users cause crashes.

These numbers have been increasing continuously since 2007. These road traffic injuries cause approximately 3% of GDP loss. “According to the Global Status Report of Road Safety 2015, more than 1.2 million people die each year on the world’s roads making road traffic injuries a leading cause of death globally. Road traffic injuries have become the leading cause among the age group of 15 to 29 years and were predicted to be the seventh leading cause of death by 2030.”

Most of the traffic crashes may be predictable, and preventable, although road traffic injuries have been a leading reason for mortality for many years. Road accidents can be significantly minimized by appropriate means of traffic engineering, and management principles. Also, abnormal driver behavior has been noticed as problematic, and therefore, across the globe, extensive research has been conducted to understand driver behavior.


  • Studies have found that drivers perform would worse due to reduced attention on the driving task.

Traffic law violations and accidents are common problems that we frequently encounter in every part of the world. Driver distraction is the activity that distracts the driver from their primary duty as a driver. Intriguingly, driver distraction, which is arguably one of the human errors, is found to be frequently present in young drivers.

“The research stated that engaging in distractive activity while driving will increase the possibility of an accident. Generally, distraction can be divided into four categories: visual distraction, cognitive distraction, auditory distraction, and surrounding distraction.”


Such as Distractions could be present in driving by using a phone while driving, the presence of passengers, or any other technological interaction inside the vehicle. Another factor that contributes to the cause of accidents is the driver’s driver behavior on the road.

Driving is indeed a complex activity that requires decent skill. It involves the driver’s physical, cognitive, sensory, and psychomotor simultaneously. Therefore, besides technical driving skills, it is also necessary to possess knowledge, proficiency, and maturity to control oneself in responding to the surroundings while driving. The driver has to control their behavior and emotion regardless of the social and environmental shifts on the road.

A young driver is viewed as a growing individual, which is in a phase where maturation and development occur in terms of physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects. Compared to other age groups, the young driver possesses risk-taking traits. These young drivers also carry a lesser grasp of imminent danger, and it is easier to fall into distractive driving.