Solutions > Others
Emission Management
Human technology, infinite creativity.
Human technology,
infinite creativity.
Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorinated compounds, sulphur hexafluoride, nitrogen trifluoride, and other gases, are considered to be the main cause of global climate change, and this problem has received significant global attention. Carbon dioxide has been considered the most significant gas contributing to global climate change.
Enables individuals to self- estimate carbon footprints in order to monitor emissions reduction strategies. The aim is to give the opportunity to the user to self-manage one’s behavior by proposing actions of emissions reductions.
Solution 1
Emission management system is a digital tool for quantifying emissions, which can be defined as the combination of a user interface and data analyzing model, real-time monitoring data, and providing an accurate report.