Companies in the telecommunications network, software, and platform sectors are competing with one another to grab a share of this growing home energy management market.

In the past, energy management systems have been specifically designed for energy production and commercialization companies with the aim of monitoring and optimizing energy flows in the power system.

Smart grid technologies are meeting the challenges of the exponential growth of cities worldwide with increased resiliency and efficiency.

In recent years, with the exuberant development of networks, the concept of the smart grid is promoted vigorously. By promoting this, people hope to use and control energy efficiently.

Consumers’ ways of buying products and services have profoundly changed due to Information Technology.

The emergence of the electronic medium of commerce offers new opportunities to industries to adopt the Internet as their alternative marketing tools.

Being an important component of mobility-on-demand services, research on vehicle dispatching systems has been under attention for quite some time.

With the acceleration of urbanization and the rapid expansion of urban boundaries, the population structure and spatial layout of urban areas have also undergone tremendous changes.

The parking problem in residential areas of some large and medium-sized cities is increasingly prominent, and parking resources are generally tight.

The rapidly increasing number of vehicles without a corresponding increase in the availability of parking lots is causing problems in several cities worldwide.

At present, the total number of vehicles is huge, and the number of maintenance enterprises cannot meet the demand for maintenance.

In recent years, the profit proportion of automotive aftermarkets in the automotive industry is increasing day by day, and the automobile service industry is gradually growing with the development of the economy.

Artificial Intelligence is profoundly impacting the ways in which people across the globe interact.

A survey reported that, in 2050, the global urban population is expected to attain 66% to 70% correspondingly. This upsurge in urbanization would have a severe impact on cities’ management, security, and the environment.

Technological advancements play an important role in traffic enforcement.

Road safety is a major concern in safeguarding human life. Road crashes impact individuals, communities, and countries. Improved road safety is essential to sustainable development.

Climate change is one of the most serious environmental problems that human beings are facing today.

The sudden growth in the greenhouse gas emissions within our environment was initiated from the industrial age till around the end of the eighteenth century. Human activities are the primary contributors to all these emissions by the consumption of fossil fuels and desertification, which increases the number of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere at an immense rate.

Mobility as a Service is the biggest transport revolution of the 21st century.

Transportation systems over time have begun to face a growing number of pressures. These pressures include pollution from transport-related emissions, congestion, and negative impacts on physical and mental health.