Nowadays, it has become a trend to mount cameras for object detection in blind spots.

As public transport vessels, buses can help increase road safety, since by reducing traffic on the road, they help reduce individual exposure to vehicles, and they are less likely to be involved in serious road collisions than cars.

The World Health Organization estimated that vulnerable road users represent more than half of all global road deaths.

Heavy vehicles are one of the most dangerous vehicles that bicyclists, encounter at an intersection...

Throughout the driving course, the vital thing is for the driver to obtain information about the changing position of other vehicles on the road.

Good driving visibility is essential for road safety. Many traffic accidents are caused by drivers of larger vehicles...

Emotion is an important part of the human perceptual system, and the visual attention system is the basis of the driver’s information perception.

Among the many factors that are capable of explaining the root causes of traffic accidents, human factors...

When the driver is involved in the processing of the message his attention resources are depleted.

Approximately 90% of a driver’s information about the current traffic situation is provided by eyesight. However, only about 1.5 angular degrees for which the vision mechanism is responsible.

The factors associated with road crashes are studied over decades and driver behavior is concluded to be the major contributory factor.

Driving behavior is related to the driving habits of a human when operating his vehicle.

The willingness of the young driver to engage in risky driving behavior depends on their perception of the danger involved in performing such actions.

Road safety is today one of the most actual and challenging eld of research, as road fatalities continue...

Understanding the behavior of drivers during certain events on the road is important to reduce the accident rate and improve traffic congestion.

Nowadays, several technologies are able to detect driver fatigue and have the potential to dramatically reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring.

Personality traits and the level of driving risk taken by drivers during a trip.

Human factors have been estimated to be the sole or leading causal factor in approximately 90% of road traffic accidents.

ADAS technologies are reliant on vehicle-fitted sensors collecting and interpreting the correct information from the driving and road environment in order to function properly.

The rapid growth of transportation needs, for both people and goods, as well as the evolution of Information...