Motor vehicle crashes remain a persistent threat to public safety.
As society develops, the number of vehicles on the road increases and the driving environment becomes increasingly complex.
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As society develops, the number of vehicles on the road increases and the driving environment becomes increasingly complex.
In the United States, older driver over-involvement in crashes is getting worse in terms of driver fatalities.
Smart mobility is an emerging concept, which will become increasingly relevant in the coming years, smart mobility concerns both the transport of goods and people…
Several microgrids, particularly those in isolated operations, have a lot of volatility in demand across time, which causes peaks in load profile.
Rural electrification is a critical issue around the world. It is widely acknowledged that distributing electrical power…
Smart battery energy storage systems would lead to economic benefits to both homes and companies by enabling cost savings achieved through storage of power purchased off-peak…
Nowadays, the awareness of self-sustainability and energy supply resilience is increasing, especially in Europe and Asia, which are highly dependent on imported energy, causing a socioeconomic and political vulnerability.
With the rising deployment of electric vehicles, a large number of decommissioned batteries will be available…
The battery cost has always accounted for a large proportion of EV costs. Taking into account vehicle lifetime, battery life, and other factors, 25 GWh of battery decommissioning will be necessary for China by 2022.
One of the ways to ensure Europe’s sustainable future is by improving the electrical grid and buffer capacities…